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(410) 469-1732

TB Service

This directory is dedicated to helping match quality service providers with over 550,000 listings to fit your needs.

You can find a service provider you can trust from our list of 77,441 electricians, 77,369 plumbers, 51,267 AC contractors, 45,861 roofers, 49,963 painters, 21,278 general contractors, and 220,058 other specialties.

The best way to find a service provider you can trust is to watch a video testimonial from a satisfied customer, there is nothing more authentic.

The directory sorts businesses by location and ranks them based upon the number of video testimonials. We believe that video testimonials are the most authentic form of a recommendation.

If you are a business owner, please visit the site to verify and claim your listing. The Testimonial Builder program provides you a turnkey process for taking and syndicating video testimonials. To learn more call today or schedule a short demo so we can show you how easy and affordable it is to use Testimonial Builder.

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